Our new BIM viewer is amazingly fast

 -  Available in: Nederlands Nederlands Nederlands

Our software engineers are working on a new method to show BIM models.

In a pilot for the largest Dutch project developer we were confronted with a number of very large models, made by renowned architects in Autodesk Revit. The corresponding IFCs are many hundreds of MBs. Until recently, it took over a minute to load these models in our BIM Viewer. That's not acceptable for end users. Reason for IRP to start a research project that yielded an initial result in March 2018. It seems possible to speed up the process ten to twenty times! 

We are not there yet. Meaning that not everything works smoothly at this moment (transparency for example), but the first results are so amazing that we want to share them with you.

To make the difference clear, we present the model of the Raadhuisstraat in Amsterdam below in two different ways. Please note: this is already quite a big model, with 17 small hops and some 50 apartments (above the shops).

1. In the way it has been shown for some years in our viewer: Click here

2. In the way that we will soon be working on the viewer: Click here

Existing models must be reconverted in order to use with the new fast viewer. In many instances, this will be done automatically. We will try to do so before April 15.

Suggestions and reactions are always welcome; contact@irp.nl

IRP bases all of its web development on the ISO 19650 standard for the development and full lifecycle of buildings. Formerly known as the BSI 1192-X. This standard has now been almost fully implemented in BIMkeeper.

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